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The blender teardown was the dissasembly of a hamilton beach model 59205c 800 watt blender. It was more of a chance for me to analyze the design decisions of other designers and which design for x's they valued, rather than improving my design process and abilities. As shown in Figure #1, my notes during the dissection of the blender, I mainly noted three design for x's: Manufacturability, Aesthetics, and Durability. An example of one of these is shown in Figure #2 below: One of the blender components was multifunctional, serving as both a motor and a cooling device for the blender, which is good design practice when designing for manufacturability and shows that the designer had clear intent of making the product manufacturable. The biggest impact that this exercise has had on my design process was that it helped me explore various DFx's, which is important for the establishing requirements phase.

Blender Teardown

Figure #2: Shows motor of blender, with the left part of axle being the one that spins the blender and the right having a cooling fan

Figure #1: Shows the notes I took during the disassembly of the blender

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